Evidence based medicine and academia are a joke and completely beholden to the narrative.
You will only ever see results that conform to the religious doctrine and prevailing mood of the day.
Let’s take an example.
A study is designed to show which physicians produce better clinical outcomes for their patients.
The results are stratified by demographic, and show that regardless of clinical setting— white male physicians achieve significantly better outcomes.
I’m not saying this will be the result. But bear with me here, let’s just say that is what the researchers find.
It’s a decent study and gets submitted. But no medical journal will publish it because the result “makes them uncomfortable”.
Now let’s say that the exact same study produced a result that showed female physicians have much better clinical outcomes, or a minority had achieved significantly better results. Same study submitted, and the journals line up to get it published because the results “feel better”.
Now take the above example and apply it to anything going against the current religious doctrine of the day: a study result showing certain vaccines were causing harmful effects, a study showing children brought up by very liberal parents are more unhappy as teenagers, a study showing the more medicines we pile on people, the more sick they get…. you name it.
You will never get to see any result that challenges the narrative and forces humans to really think… because it won’t ever pass through the Establishment filters.
So considering this: Have humans really moved on since the Dark Ages? Has science really moved on from the time Galileo’s theory was rejected by an outraged mob?
Where there is outrage, there is ignorance. And the world of medicine and science is just as ignorant and mob-like as it’s always been